The reliability of data protection is the degree to which data that are collected by a company are accurate, reliable and constant. Data from a business has to be reliable in order to be used for analysis and decision-making.

Businesses must adhere to strict quality control procedures in order to ensure the security of data. These can include validation of data along with standard formats and rigorous data cleansing procedures. The experience and expertise of data collectors is important, as a skilled team is more likely to follow best practices and produce reliable data. A secure storage option for data and a technology infrastructure that is up to date can help to prevent errors which could impact the reliability of data.

Utilizing inaccurate or inconsistent data can lead to serious issues, both internally and externally. For instance in the event that a database for a business shows that customers have $1000 in their account when they actually have $100 due to a data glitch, this can lead to financial penalties and a loss of confidence. Inaccurate sensor information from manufacturing equipment could also cause recalls and product defects.

Validity and trustworthiness could be related, but they are two different concepts. Validity concerns whether the information you’ve gathered is accurate. For instance an email list of customers email addresses that are not unique or contain duplicate entries indicates that the list isn’t legitimate and can’t be relied upon for sending marketing emails.

Reliability is the accuracy and consistency over time of the data. For instance when two lists of customer’s email addresses compiled from different sources are identical, but slightly different, they can’t be used to target a marketing campaign, as they will not work or reach the wrong people. Therefore, it is essential to keep detailed records of the methods used to collect and alter data, to maintain the integrity and transparency of the information.